Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ask for 2 weeks, and you'll be given ten years :)

As so many people lately are going on vacation or traveling, one thing came to mind.

One day a friend said, "It's amazing but when you travel with a person, you learn things about them you would not have learned in 10 years!".

That got me thinking, and it is so true! You may say, "I've known that person for 7 years". Yet, if it was just casual, "how are you doing?", phone calls, out for coffee, you may not really know that person at all, since you may hear a play by play of the day's events, maybe bragging, maybe complains, though are you really spending quality time that really shows you what they are made of?

Yet, once you decide to take a vacation together, you must plan, agree on where to eat, where to stay, and in the process spending so much time together, conversation after a couple hours passes from the superficial into more in depth, plus you start to see all the little hidden quirks, funny ones, cute ones or not!

By spending 2 weeks with someone, you learn about a person what you would not have learned in ten years!


Anonymous said...

SO TRUE!!!!!
When me and Nico started dating , one of the first things we did was go backpacking through South America... So worth every minute...we got to know each others raw side...hahaha


Patricia said...

That´s why you never know the person you married until yoy marry him ando go to your honey moon jajajaja

Roam2Rome said...

Calabrisella e Patricia :)

Ah, you both read my mind!

Though my post's theme is about people in general, which is still true! In the back of my mind, what I was thinking was; It takes a lot for a couple to reeeeeally get to know each other.

Even living with each other you can get stuck in the routine... try planning a travel, THAT is subjective enough that by stepping outside "your territory" you'll learn a few new important things about him :)

Sharon said...

Thanks for the comment on my Blog. My all time favorite word in Italian is Farfalla. I am glad you are using it.

Jeanne said...

Love and hugs and joy.....
Regarding your question on my journal.........
No the little pet was in a special gift store we visited......She belonged to the owner. She was sweet and special and me and my friends fell in love with her as did everyone.
We just lost our two fur angels this year.............It will be sometime before I can heal from their loss.......
big hugs
Thanks for your visits.
Safe travels everyone............

Italiana Americana said...

aaaah very true! and italian train station pictures :( mi manca l'italiaaaa!!!

Unknown said...

hey thanks for visiting my blog! And all of the comments. I've been too busy all week..

I can 100% relate to you moving from Cali to Italy. I did the same thing in 2001 but from Cali to Switzerland!

Please feel free to email but I'm away on holidays all weekend, yes BC day here.


And yes it's so nice to learn when you travel, esp in Europe.

Patricia said...

A read your comment in my blog, I downloaded teh song from emule..ut I will try to send it you by mail.

The Late Bloomer said...

Ah, how true, how true... I kind of miss the random traveling from my college days, which was nothing like how I approach things today, but when I do get to explore, it's nice to do it with a companion.

Thanks for dropping by my blog and commenting! So nice to have found your blog -- good luck to you in your move to Rome! I love Italy; it's a close second to me after France...

Jesús said...

Yes, very sure

Jinekoloko said...
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Roam2Rome said...

Sharon, yes "farfalla" or "butterfly" is also one of my favorite words, mainly for symbolism of "blooming" :)

Ciao Jeanne, hope all is well in Canada :)Uf, I lost a dog many years ago and never got another one! Maybe once I settle in Rome I'll get a little one, but without a backyard it must be difficult!

Italiana Americana! Allora vieni pure con me!!! :) Sei benvenuta!

Expat traveler, now I'm going to look at all the archive articles in your blog to see your story :) I'm curious if you came back to Cali or stayed away after 2001... 2002 is when I moved to Europe. Not easy, but best decision I ever made!

Hehe, I must admit that as soon as I received your email I was SUPER happy and I played the song about a million times already!! Yey!!
It doesn't take much to make me happy :) Music is IT! THANK YOU!!!

Late bloomer :)
Hope all is well in France! I'm still trying to catch up on your blog, but I will :)

Ciao Jesus :) Barcelona is a beautiful city :) Nice to meet you :)

Anonymous said...

It's so true. When I think about the times I really got to know my husband it was during our trips to Europe or around the US. Traveling does force you to experience your loved ones in a whole new way! (Which can be a very good thing.)

Ari (Baking and Books)

Roam2Rome said...

Ari! I hadn't had a chance to see your page and the Watermelon Strawberry Sorbet that you have on your page would be soooooooo goood right about now!

Yes, something about stepping outside your safety zone is like turning on the light on your lives and seeing more than before, some quirky stuff and lots of good stuff :)

Thanks for visiting me :)

Anonymous said...

That's quite true! If a friendship survives a long travel, it will survive almost everything.

You've got a very nice blog and an excellent spanish! Thanks for your comments on my blog.


Roam2Rome said...

Isn't it the case!! Something about travelling together... very intense, fun and exciting, but an unforgettable learning experience, not just the sites, but about those who come along with you :)

Gracias! y disfruta Manchester, UK por nosotros :)