Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Simple Joys

There are many benefits to being a translator. The main one is that you can work as much or as little as you want from any where in the world that you happen to be. It gives you geographic independence to savor each corner of the world to your heart's desire, and that to me is priceless!

Though, one drawback is having people understand that you do have work! A frequent question is "Why don't you get a job like the rest of the people?". I simply refuse to dignify that with an answer! So let's move on...

Of course, by working from your home office and not having a boss, you suddenly become the designated my-child-is-on-summertime-vacation babysitter! Which explains why I've spent the past few months surrounded by other people's children! No, this isn't always a problem. My three year old nephew Brian (I call him Yayan) is my latest little helper :)

Every morning Yayan runs and wraps his little arms around my neck and gives me chocolate kisses expecting me to make Mikey Mouse pancakes and beams as he shares with me his latest dream. His angelic calm demeanor makes it a true joy to be around him and I have no problem doing my chores with him seated next to me. Today for example, between projects we spent the afternoon learning how to roll our tongue :) In the end, I get to see him more than his working parents. Time flies, children grow up so fast! and I'm savoring this moment while it lasts.

Do you remember Giosue? Yayan's tiny size and expressive eyes remind me of Giosue, the child in Roberto Benigni's memorable "La Vita è Bella" whose nostalgic sights and characters are only equaled by it's Nicola Piovani music! Here are a few snapshots I took of my favorite scenes. Enjoy! :)


Wanderlusting said...

Great post - but I am ashamed I have yet to see the film.

I'm heading to Rome in a few weeks and only TODAY I got excited about. Yaaaay!

Roam2Rome said...

Ciao Wanderlusting :)

Really? You're going to Rome in a few weeks??? Yaay indeed! Post lots of pretty pictures in your blog for us :)

The film is sweet, but leave it to Benigni to mix comedy into tear-jerker scenes!!!

SOL said...

Thanks for your comment in my blog :)
Enjoy your nephew! for those who have their family far away (like me), dosen't happen everyday.
I adore that movie! and the boy who plays "giosue" is the sweetiest thing!
Did you like tuscany?
Wish a great time in Rome!

Roam2Rome said...


Ciao Sol!

I knew you spoke Spanish and Italian, didn't know you spoke English! :) Brava!

Eh si! I liked Tuscany a lot... enjoy it for me right now :)

Hasta luego :)

Jeanne said...

So precious and sweet.
You have a very lovely journal.
Love Jeanne
Ontario Canada

Mélanie said...

I love this moovie , both so funny and so sad .
So great that Yayan looks like hil , he is so cute .
Mélanie xx

mardevientos said...

Ciao Farfallina!!!

cosi pure te vieni a Roma?? ma a vivere.. o solo per un po di tempo?
E stai tranquila, che tra due mesi il clima sara molto meglio!


NancyQ said...

My kids are the energy that I get everyday, I call them my JAVA!
It doesn't matter what time of the day it is they are always on the go!

I loved the movie and you were right, i was laughing and crying at the same time!
Am going to NAPA VALLEY, maybe I'll pass by San Francisco, not sure yet.

NancyQ said...

Si! Ella es MAR y veo que tambien te encontro a Ti! Me da gusto, mas el darme cuenta cada dia de que pequeño es el mundo!
Un abrazo enorme!

Delina said...

Great pics. I *love* that film.

Roam2Rome said...

Ciao Mar! Eh, infatti...
ci vado tra poco e spero che non faccia tanto caldo! Altrimenti non ce la farei! Enjoy your upcoming vacation :)

Thanks Nancy!
Yes, we found each other, hehe...
I'm glad you'll take a break from those 16 hour shifts at the hospital and drink a little wine with family here nearby in Napa Valley :) I have fond memories of those vineyards...

Thanks Delina :)
It is a good film, the music is amazing! I just love Nicola Piovani's style...

Anonymous said...

One of my alltime favorite film!


Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

That film was simply genius--and the little boy's eyes? Ah! Great still shots :)

Roam2Rome said...

Calarisella, Yup! mine too :)

Grazie Sognatrice! Glad to see you again despite your busy, busy schedule lately :)

Ciaosito :)