Friday, November 30, 2007

...a couple minutes a day add-up!

Note: NaBloPoMo participants are welcome to use the badge if they want. I have authorization to use the image, so I'm sure it's okay.

We made it! Where did the month go? Looking back, I must admit there were a few times when all I wanted to do was hurl my laptop out the window and throw my hands up in the air!

But despite being under very tight deadlines with my Italian translations, I always took a second to write a quick post.

...and you know what? It became easier as time went on. Actually, my favorite NaBloPoMo post "Domani" only took me 5 minutes to write. 1 very busy evening. 3 powerful images. 5 minutes writing from the heart.

NaBloPoMo taught me one thing: Despite my hectic schedule, there's no such thing as "I don't have time for..."

Do the math. There are 1440 minutes in a day. 15 minutes dedicated to learning a few vocabulary words of a new language, or reading a couple pages from a book, or taking a short walk, or writing down your thoughts means
we still have 1425 minutes left in the day for the rest of the things that we "have" to do...

It starts out difficult. It gets easier. Then "making a little room" becomes second nature.

That's what I'll take from NaBloPoMo...


Mayumi said...

You are awesome. I will definitely keep reading.

Roam2Rome said...

Grazie Mayumi!

...and congrats for finishing NaBloPoMo! Yey SF Blogs :)

Giulia said...

As I told one of my other favorite blog authors... thank you so much for your dedication! I enjoy reading your blog tremendously. Your writing and outlook on life is so uplifting. I have felt so satisfied from each visit that I make here! :)

Jeff Gromen said...

Auguriiiii and happy end to blog posting month. It was great but today I need to clean my apartment. No posting today.

Tui Snider @mentalmosaic said...

Congrats, Farfallina! We made it. :)

I love your blog and it's been fun knowing that there will be something new here every day. Kinda addicting!

Eryn said...

congratulations.....thanks so much for the plentiful postings. and you're right, at the end of the day there are NO EXCUSES......we always have time

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Woohoo! It's 4 in the afternoon here and I'm still wondering whether I'll put up a tiny post today...can't...stop...blogging ;)

Nah. I think I'll give myself until Monday :)

Devil Mood said...

Congratulations and it was truly enjoyable being on this side reading.
It's true what you say, it only takes a minute or two :)

Brooke said...

Hi! I found your blog through Mayumi and I absolutely love it!! It was great reading your NaBloPoMo posts! As an American currently living abroad in Thailand, I can most definitely relate to your process of preparing for life overseas and the tremendous excitement you are currently feeling. I will definitely continue reading! Best of luck to you!!

Gil said...

Great job!!! Everyone knew that you would post every day. You have an interesting and enjoyable blog.

kimananda said...

Hi! I'm here via Devil Mood and also Chloe. Congratulations on NaBloPoMo. I also found that having the extra incentive to post everyday made for a much different experience than I had had before. Are you planning to keep up the daily posting?

daisies said...

: ) you rocked it!!! congratulations ~ it was fun but crazy, tee hee